Coach Bill Smith began his career in education as a K-8 Physical Education Specialist in the Beverly Hills Unified School District at the EL Rodeo School in 1980. As his relationships with students grew he became an extremely popular teacher, and was dubbed by the school’s Principal, “The Pied Piper.” In March of 1986, Coach Smith and 60 of his fellow district teachers received a district lay-off notice for the following school year. Once word spread, a small, motivated group of his 5th grade students Phillip Hong, Aaron Snyder, Karen Goldner, Kara Levy and Angie Voight, later to be known the world over, as Angelina Jolie, organized a student protest movement, with the apropos acronym, “SOS,” which stood for “Save Our Smith.“
These incredibly dedicated preteens created petitions, which they signed and circulated throughout the Beverly Hills community, made home-made protest signs and walked the picket line back and forth in front of their school much to the chagrin of the school’s administrators and local School Board members and held a Press Conference that was covered both locally and national in newspapers and on television. By taking a strong stance to voice their displeasure regarding Coach Smith’s dismissal, this small group grew and grew into the hundreds, making this a watershed moment in Coach Smith’s educational career. Their hard work and heartfelt efforts changed the Beverly Hills School Board’s decision. Coach Smith’s job was saved and he went on to teach a total of 35 years in the Beverly Hills Unified School District. (READ MORE)